
  1import smartpy as sp
  5def main():
  6    shape: type = sp.variant(Circle=sp.int, Rectangle=sp.pair[sp.int, sp.int])
  8    class Aux(sp.Contract):
  9        @sp.entrypoint
 10        def default(self, x):
 11            assert x == sp.int(100)
 13    class C(sp.Contract):
 14        def __init__(self):
 15            self.data.s = 0
 16            self.data.value = 3
 18        @sp.entrypoint
 19        def ep1(self, x, y):
 20            r = x * x + y * y
 21            assert r == 25
 23        @sp.entrypoint
 24        def ep2(self, x):
 25            if x > 42:
 26                raise "too big"
 28        @sp.entrypoint
 29        def ep3(self, x):
 30            pass
 31            assert x <= 42
 32            self.data.s = x
 34        @sp.entrypoint
 35        def myEntryPoint(self, params):
 36            assert self.data.s <= 123
 37            self.data.s += params
 39        @sp.entrypoint
 40        def multiply(self, x, y):
 41            self.data.value = x * y
 43        @sp.entrypoint
 44        def add(self, x, y):
 45            self.data.value = x + y
 47        @sp.entrypoint
 48        def square(self, x):
 49            self.data.value = x * x
 51        @sp.entrypoint
 52        def test_layout(self, x):
 53            sp.cast(x, sp.record(a=int, b=sp.string, c=bool).layout((("a", "c"), "b")))
 55        @sp.entrypoint
 56        def squareRoot(self, x):
 57            assert x >= 0
 58            y = 42
 59            while y * y > x:
 60                y = (x / y + y) / 2
 61            assert y * y <= x and x < (y + 1) * (y + 1)
 62            self.data.value = y
 64        @sp.entrypoint
 65        def strings_and_bytes(self):
 66            assert "abc" == "abc"
 67            assert sp.slice(3, 5, "0123456789") == sp.Some("34567")
 68            assert sp.slice(3, 5, "01234") == None
 69            assert sp.bytes("0xaBcd") == sp.bytes("abcd")
 71            assert sp.slice(3, 5, "0123456789") == sp.Some("34567")
 72            assert sp.slice(3, 5, "01234") == None
 74            assert sp.slice(3, 5, sp.bytes("0x00010203040506070809")) == sp.Some(
 75                sp.bytes("0x0304050607")
 76            )
 77            assert sp.slice(3, 5, sp.bytes("0x0001020304")) == None
 79            assert "ab" + "c" == "abc"
 80            assert sp.concat(["ab", "cd", "ef"]) == "abcdef"
 81            assert sp.concat(
 82                [sp.bytes("ab"), sp.bytes("cd"), sp.bytes("ef")]
 83            ) == sp.bytes("abcdef")
 85        @sp.entrypoint
 86        def tuples_and_records(self):
 87            assert sp.fst((1, "abc")) == 1
 88            (a, b, c) = (42, "abc", True)
 89            assert a == 42
 90            assert b == "abc"
 91            assert c == True
 92            x = sp.record(a=42, b="abc")
 93            sp.cast(x, sp.record(a=sp.int, b=sp.string))
 95        @sp.entrypoint
 96        def options_and_variants(self):
 97            assert not sp.cast(None, sp.option[sp.int]).is_some()
 98            assert sp.Some(42).is_some()
 99            assert sp.cast(None, sp.option[sp.int]).is_none()
100            assert not sp.Some(42).is_none()
102            c = sp.variant.Circle(2)
103            assert c.is_variant.Circle()
104            assert c.unwrap.Circle() == 2
106        @sp.entrypoint
107        def lists_sets_and_maps(self):
108            l = [1, 2, 3]
109            s = {1, 2, 3}
110            m = {"a": 65, "b": 66}
111            assert s.contains(1)
112            assert len(l) == 3
113            assert len(s) == 3
114            assert len(m) == 2
115            assert len(l) == 3
116            assert len(s) == 3
117            assert len(m) == 2
118            assert sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6
119            assert sum(sp.cons(1, [2, 3])) == 6
120            # assert m.items() ==
121            assert sum(m.values()) == 131
122            assert sp.concat(m.keys()) == "ab"
123            assert sp.pack(range(7)) == sp.pack([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
124            assert sp.pack(range(3, 7)) == sp.pack([3, 4, 5, 6])
125            assert sp.pack(range(3, 7, 2)) == sp.pack([3, 5])
126            assert m.get("xyz", default=100) == 100
127            m = {"a": 65, "b": 66}
128            del m["a"]
129            assert not m.contains("a")
130            assert not s.contains(4)
131            s.add(4)
132            assert s.contains(4)
134        @sp.entrypoint
135        def lambdas(self):
136            @sp.effects(with_storage="read-write")
137            def f(x):
138                self.data.s = 42
139                return x
141            assert f(42) == 42
143        @sp.entrypoint
144        def abc(self, x):
145            assert x == 42
147        @sp.entrypoint
148        def operations(self, address):
149            sp.set_delegate(None)
150            sp.emit("Hello")
151            sp.emit("World", tag="mytag")
152            sp.emit(sp.record(a="ABC", b="XYZ"), tag="mytag2")
153            sp.emit(sp.record(a="ABC", b="XYZ"), tag="mytag2", with_type=False)
154            sp.transfer(42, sp.mutez(0), sp.self_entrypoint("abc"))
155            c = sp.contract(sp.int, address).unwrap_some()
156            sp.transfer(100, sp.mutez(0), c)
158        @sp.entrypoint
159        def arithmetic(self):
160            assert sp.ediv(14, 3) == sp.Some((4, 2))
161            assert sp.ediv(-14, 3) == sp.Some((-5, 1))
162            assert sp.ediv(14, -3) == sp.Some((-4, 2))  # -4 * -3 + 2 ==  14
163            assert sp.ediv(-14, -3) == sp.Some((5, 1))  #  5 * -3 + 1 == -14
164            assert 14 / 3 == 4
165            assert -14 / 3 == -5
166            assert 14 / -3 == -4  # -4 * -3 + 2 ==  14
167            assert -14 / -3 == 5  #  5 * -3 + 1 == -14
168            assert -4 * -3 + 2 == 14
169            assert 5 * -3 + 1 == -14
170            assert sp.nat(2) - sp.nat(3) == -1
171            assert -sp.nat(2) == sp.int(-2)
172            assert sp.is_nat(2) == sp.Some(2)
173            assert sp.is_nat(-2) == None
174            assert sp.as_nat(2) == 2
175            assert sp.to_int(2) == 2
176            assert sp.to_int(sp.nat(2)) == sp.to_int(2)
177            assert sp.to_int(2) == 2
178            assert sp.mutez(2) == sp.mutez(2)
179            assert sp.mutez(2) + sp.mutez(2) == sp.mutez(4)
180            assert sp.mutez(10) - sp.mutez(8) == sp.mutez(2)
181            assert sp.split_tokens(sp.mutez(100), 1, 20) == sp.mutez(5)
182            assert sp.split_tokens(sp.mutez(100), 2, 20) == sp.mutez(10)
183            assert sp.split_tokens(sp.mutez(101), 1, 20) == sp.mutez(5)
184            assert sp.split_tokens(sp.mutez(101), 2, 20) == sp.mutez(10)
185            assert 42 & 1 == 0
186            assert 42 | 1 == 43
187            assert not 42 == 43
188            assert True or 1 / 0 == 42
189            assert not (False and (1 / 0 == 42))
190            assert sp.split_tokens(sp.mutez(100), 20, 30) == sp.mutez(66)
191            assert 8 / 3 == 2
192            assert -8 / 3 == -3
193            assert 8 / -3 == -2  # -2 * -3 + 2 == 8
194            assert -8 / -3 == 3  #  3 * -3 + 1 == 8
195            a1 = sp.int(8)
196            b1 = sp.int(3)
197            assert sp.cast(
198                sp.ediv(a1, b1), sp.option[sp.pair[sp.int, sp.nat]]
199            ) == sp.Some((2, 2))
200            a2 = sp.int(8)
201            b2 = sp.nat(3)
202            assert sp.cast(
203                sp.ediv(a2, b2), sp.option[sp.pair[sp.int, sp.nat]]
204            ) == sp.Some((2, 2))
205            a3 = sp.nat(8)
206            b3 = sp.int(3)
207            assert sp.cast(
208                sp.ediv(a3, b3), sp.option[sp.pair[sp.int, sp.nat]]
209            ) == sp.Some((2, 2))
210            a4 = sp.nat(8)
211            b4 = sp.nat(3)
212            assert sp.cast(
213                sp.ediv(a4, b4), sp.option[sp.pair[sp.nat, sp.nat]]
214            ) == sp.Some((2, 2))
215            assert sp.cast(sp.ediv(a4, b4), sp.option[sp.pair[sp.nat, sp.nat]]) != None
219def test():
220    s = sp.test_scenario("Parsed", main)
221    c = main.C()
222    s += c
224    c.ep1(x=3, y=4)
225    c.ep1(x=3, y=5, _valid=False)
227    c.ep2(10)
228    c.ep2(100, _valid=False)
230    c.ep3(10)
231    s.verify(c.data.s == 10)
232    c.ep3(100, _valid=False)
234    c.arithmetic()
235    c.strings_and_bytes()
236    c.tuples_and_records()
237    c.options_and_variants()
238    c.lists_sets_and_maps()
239    c.lambdas()
241    aux = main.Aux()
242    s += aux
243    c.operations(aux.address)