
  1# Some Syntax - Example for illustrative purposes only.
  3# This contract here is simply to show a few syntax constructions.
  5import smartpy as sp
  9def main():
 10    class SyntaxDemo(sp.Contract):
 11        def __init__(self, b, s, h, i):
 12            self.private.bb = s
 13            self.data.b = b
 14            self.data.s = s
 15            self.data.h = h
 16            self.data.i = i
 17            self.data.pkh = sp.key_hash("tz1YB12JHVHw9GbN66wyfakGYgdTBvokmXQk")
 18            self.data.n = sp.nat(123)
 19            self.data.m = {}
 20            self.data.l = sp.cast(set(), sp.set[sp.int])
 21            self.data.aaa = {1, 2, 3}
 22            self.data.abc = [sp.Some(123), None]
 23            self.data.abca = {0: sp.Some(123), 1: None}
 24            self.data.ddd = range(0, 10)
 25            self.data.acb = "toto"
 27        @sp.entrypoint
 28        def comparisons(self):
 29            assert self.data.i <= 123
 30            assert 2 + self.data.i == 12
 31            assert 2 + self.data.i != 1234
 32            assert self.data.i + 4 != 123
 33            assert self.data.i - 5 < 123
 34            assert 7 - self.data.i < 123
 35            assert self.data.i > 3
 36            assert 4 * self.data.i > 3
 37            assert self.data.i * 5 > 3
 38            assert self.data.i >= 3
 39            assert 3 < self.data.i
 40            assert 3 <= self.data.i
 41            assert 3000 > self.data.i
 42            assert 3000 >= self.data.i
 43            assert self.data.b and True
 44            if 3 < self.data.i:
 45                assert 4 < self.data.i
 47        @sp.entrypoint
 48        def someComputations(self, params):
 49            assert self.data.i <= 123
 50            self.data.i = self.data.i + params.y
 51            self.data.acb = params.x
 52            self.data.i = 100
 53            self.data.i = self.data.i - 1
 54            assert sp.add(sp.nat(4), sp.nat(5)) == 9
 55            assert sp.add(sp.int(-4), sp.nat(5)) == 1
 56            assert sp.add(sp.nat(5), sp.int(-4)) == 1
 57            assert sp.add(sp.int(-4), sp.int(5)) == 1
 58            assert sp.mul(sp.nat(4), sp.nat(5)) == 20
 59            assert sp.mul(sp.int(-4), sp.nat(5)) == -20
 60            assert sp.mul(sp.nat(5), sp.int(-4)) == -20
 61            assert sp.mul(sp.int(-4), sp.int(5)) == -20
 63        @sp.entrypoint
 64        def localVariable(self):
 65            x = self.data.i
 66            x *= 2
 67            self.data.i = 10
 68            self.data.i = x
 70        @sp.entrypoint
 71        def iterations(self):
 72            x = self.data.i
 73            x = 0
 74            x = 1
 75            x = 2
 76            x = 3
 77            x = 4
 79            for i in range(0, 5):
 80                x = i
 81            self.data.i = sp.to_int(self.data.n)
 82            self.data.i = 5
 83            while self.data.i <= 42:
 84                self.data.i += 2
 85            if self.data.i <= 123:
 86                x = 12
 87                self.data.i += x
 88            else:
 89                x = 5
 90                self.data.i = x
 92        @sp.entrypoint
 93        def myMessageName4(self):
 94            for x in self.data.m.items():
 95                self.data.i += x.key * x.value
 97        @sp.entrypoint
 98        def myMessageName5(self):
 99            for x in self.data.m.keys():
100                self.data.i += 2 * x
102        @sp.entrypoint
103        def myMessageName6(self, params):
104            sp.cast(params, sp.int)  # FIXME This should be inferred.
105            for x in self.data.m.values():
106                self.data.i += 3 * x
107            self.data.aaa.remove(2)
108            self.data.aaa.add(12)
109            self.data.abc.push(sp.Some(16))
110            self.data.abca[0] = sp.Some(16)
111            if self.data.aaa.contains(12):
112                self.data.m[42] = 43
113            self.data.aaa.add(sp.as_nat(-params))
116# Tests
118def test():
119    scenario = sp.test_scenario("Syntax", main)
120    # define a contract
121    c1 = main.SyntaxDemo(b=True, s="abc", h=sp.bytes("0x0000ab112233aa"), i=7)
122    # show its representation
123    scenario.h1("Syntax")
124    scenario.h2("Contract")
125    scenario += c1
126    scenario.h2("Message execution")
127    c1.comparisons(_valid=False)
128    scenario.h2("Message execution")
129    c1.someComputations(x="abcd", y=12)
130    scenario.h2("Message execution")
131    c1.localVariable()
132    c1.iterations()
133    scenario.h2("Message execution")
134    c1.myMessageName6(-18)
135    scenario.verify(c1.data.b)
136    scenario.verify(c1.data.i == 55)
137    scenario.show(c1.data)
138    scenario.show(c1.data, html=False)
139    scenario.verify_equal(
140        c1.data,
141        sp.record(
142            acb="abcd",
143            abc=[sp.Some(16), sp.Some(123), None],
144            abca=sp.scenario_utils.vector([sp.Some(16), None]),
145            b=True,
146            h=sp.bytes("0x0000ab112233aa"),
147            i=55,
148            l=sp.set(),
149            n=123,
150            s="abc",
151            aaa=sp.set([1, 3, 12, 18]),
152            m={42: 43},
153            ddd=sp.list([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
154            pkh=sp.key_hash("tz1YB12JHVHw9GbN66wyfakGYgdTBvokmXQk"),
155        ),
156    )
157    scenario.simulation(c1)